
Join The Hunt | Atlanta Scavenger Hunt

Join the first annual Atlanta Scavenger Hunt presented by Merrell. A complimentary and family-friendly experience designed to get you to STEP FURTHER. Test your knowledge and get you to explore Atlanta and the surrounding area. You can play individually, with your family or friends. Win prizes and bragging rights, all while supporting local businesses.

Micro Adventures

It’s only 2:37 and more than one of us has cried today. This whole “remote learning” thing, during the whole “working from home” thing, while balancing the whole “curious toddler who gets into every cabinet” thing, isn’t easy. For any of us. You parents that are helping your kids learn about long division, dangling participles, or algebra? You are the true heroes of 2020.


With hurricane force winds and conditions that can change on a dime, the White Mountains of New Hampshire are known for the craziest weather on Earth. We asked New England artist, Kat Maus, to capture that spirit in these captive mountain runners.

CDTC Pledge to Protect – Akuna and the Importance of Trail Community

The Continental Divide Trail Coalition (CDTC) talks to Merrell Ambassador and Triple Crowner Will 'Akuna' Robinson about the importance of trail community. Throughout the month of August, CDTC and its sponsors are asking the Continental Divide Trail community to join the Pledge to conserve and protect the CDT. This initiative includes committing to support a trail community that honors, welcomes, and reflects both the faces of our country and the many different historical, cultural, and spiritual stories that have shaped the landscapes of the CDT.

The 10 Essentials for Hiking

It’s the end of weekend and you’re preparing yourself for the work week ahead. But your mind is running a mile a minute after having had lunch with Sam, who shared their incredible experience with you on their vacation up in the mountains. There was a certain glow to them, a weirdly infectious excitement as they moaned about the crazy elevation and laughed in the face of long mileage days, sharing their hilarious gear failures and an embarrassing moment that may or may not have involved a bear and pants around the ankles.